Tradition and its Challenges in Accommodating Modernity

16.03.2011 18:15 - 19:30

Leela Venkataraman | Dance Critic and Author


How does Indian dance differ from dance in other cultures? Mrs. Venkata-raman will try to show that basic princi-ples and verities that the dance is based on (and this is common to all classical forms of dance) are as relevant today in this science-based world as they were when they evolved through time years ago. A second part of the lecture will be on our ideas of time and space, and the body. The final part will refer to how dance today is coping with the challenges of retaining its essential Indian identity while trying to communicate with con-temporary audiences and interact with dance cultures all over the world. Some examples will be provided.

Panel Participants:

Dr. Radha Anjali (Natya Mandir, Vienna)

Dr. Vera-Viktoria Szirmay (Odissi Samskara, Vienna)

Prof. Dr. Kazuyuki Funatsu (Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan / Institute for South Asian,Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of vienna)
