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Dr. Cristina Pecchia
Cristina Pecchia
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Pecchia, C. (2024). The Doctor, the Patient, and Their Interaction: Reading the Carakasaṃhitā. in P. A. Maas, & A. Cerulli (Hrsg.), Suhṛdayasaṃhitā : A Compendium of Studies on South Asian Culture, Philosophy, and Religion Dedicated to Dominik Wujastyk (Band 28, S. 109-125). Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg.

Pecchia, C. (2023). Meditation and Knowledge in Indian Buddhist Epistemology. in H. Matsuoka, S. Moriyama, & T. Neill (Hrsg.), To the Heart of Truth: Felicitation Volume for Eli Franco on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday (S. 667-684). Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studie.

Pecchia, C. (2022). With the Eye of a Scholar and the Insight of a Physician: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and the Carakasaṃhitā. in F. Sferra, & V. Vergiani (Hrsg.), 'Verità e Bellezza': Essays in Honour of Raffaele Torella (S. 797–839). Unior Press.

Pecchia, C. (2020). Dharmakirti on the Role of Salvific Initiation and the Reception of His Critique in the Later Saiva Tradition. in B. Kellner, P. McAllister, H. Lasic, & S. McClintock (Hrsg.), Reverberations of Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy : Proceedings of the Fifth International Dharmakīrti Conference Heidelberg, August 26 to 30, 2014 (S. 363–374). Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).

Pecchia, C., & Eltschinger, V. (2020). Foreword. in C. Pecchia, & V. Eltschinger (Hrsg.), Mārga: Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions. Papers from an International Symposium held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 17 – 18 December, 2015 (S. 1-3). Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).

Pecchia, C., & Eltschinger, V. (Hrsg.) (2020). Mārga. Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions: Papers from an international symposium held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, December 17–18, 2015. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW). Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens Band 100 Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse Band 900

Pecchia, C. (2020). Diachronic Migration of Ancient Indian Medical Literature: Divisions and Paratextual Elements in the Carakasaṃhitā. in T. L. Knudsen, J. Schmidt-Madsen, & S. Speyer (Hrsg.), Body and Cosmos: Studies in Early Indian Medical and Astral Sciences in Honor of Kenneth G. Zysk (S. 52-76). Brill.

Pecchia, C. (2013). Transmitting the Carakasaṃhitā. Notes for a history of the tradition. in D. Wujastyk, A. Cerulli, & K. Preisendanz (Hrsg.), Medical Texts and Manuscripts in Indian Cultural History (S. 1-27). Manohar Publishers.

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Cristina Pecchia

Wissenschaftliches Drittmittelpersonal

  • Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde
Adressentyp: Postadresse.



·         Buddhist studies, especially Buddhist epistemology and religious philosophy

·         Intellectual history of South Asia

·         History of philology

·         Ayurvedic tradition

·         Methodology of textual criticism

·         Manuscript studies with reference to Sanskrit texts

·         History of the book in South Asia



  •  South Asian and Buddhist studies, in particular Buddhist epistemological tradition
  •  Ayurvedic tradition in the cultural and intellectual history of South Asia
  •  Methodology of textual criticism and manuscript studies
  •  History of philology in South Asia
  •  History of the book in South Asia


Wissenschaftliches Drittmittelpersonal

Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde

Universität Wien


1 Aug. 2007 → gegenwärtig


Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde

Universität Wien


1 März 201428 Feb. 2023


Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)

Wien, Österreich


Scholarly Personae in Colonial South Asia: Cultural Brokers and Their Antagonists

Pecchia, C., 2024, in: Medieval Worlds. 20, S. 126-145

The Doctor, the Patient, and Their Interaction: Reading the Carakasaṃhitā

Pecchia, C., 2024, Suhṛdayasaṃhitā : A Compendium of Studies on South Asian Culture, Philosophy, and Religion Dedicated to Dominik Wujastyk. Maas, P. A. & Cerulli, A. (Hrsg.). Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, Band 28. S. 109-125 (Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis).

Meditation and Knowledge in Indian Buddhist Epistemology

Pecchia, C., 2023, To the Heart of Truth: Felicitation Volume for Eli Franco on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Matsuoka, H., Moriyama, S. & Neill, T. (Hrsg.). Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studie, S. 667-684 (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Band 104).

Ayurveda, philology and print. On the first printed edition of the Carakasamhita and its context: On the First Printed Edition of the Carakasaṃhitā and Its Context

Pecchia, C., 4 Apr. 2022, in: South Asian History and Culture. 13, 1, S. 112-134 23 S.

Christian Coseru, Perceiving Reality. Consciousness, Intentionality, and Cognition in Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford University Press, New York 2012

Pecchia, C., 2022, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 58, S. 275-281.

With the Eye of a Scholar and the Insight of a Physician: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and the Carakasaṃhitā

Pecchia, C., 2022, 'Verità e Bellezza': Essays in Honour of Raffaele Torella. Sferra, F. & Vergiani, V. (Hrsg.). Napoli: Unior Press, S. 797–839 (Series Minor, Band XCVII).

Print Cultures in the Making in 19th- and 20th-Century South Asia: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries

Pecchia, C., Buß, J. & Chudal, A., Juli 2021, in: Philological Encounters. 6, 1-2, S. 1-14 14 S.

Print Cultures in the Making in 19th and 20th-Century South Asia: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries

Pecchia, C. (Hrsg.), Buß, J. (Hrsg.) & Chudal, A. (Hrsg.), 2021, Brill.

Dharmakirti on the Role of Salvific Initiation and the Reception of His Critique in the Later Saiva Tradition

Pecchia, C., 18 Dez. 2020, Reverberations of Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy : Proceedings of the Fifth International Dharmakīrti Conference Heidelberg, August 26 to 30, 2014. Kellner, B., McAllister, P., Lasic, H. & McClintock, S. (Hrsg.). Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), S. 363–374 (Sitzungsberichte / Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Band 904). (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, Band 104).


Pecchia, C. & Eltschinger, V., Okt. 2020, Mārga: Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions. Papers from an International Symposium held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 17 – 18 December, 2015. Pecchia, C. & Eltschinger, V. (Hrsg.). Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW), S. 1-3 (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, Band 100). (Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, Band 900).

Mārga. Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions: Papers from an international symposium held at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, December 17–18, 2015

Pecchia, C. (Hrsg.) & Eltschinger, V. (Hrsg.), Okt. 2020, Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW). 426 S. (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens, Band 100). (Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, Band 900).

Seeing as Cognizing: Perception, Concepts, and Meditation Practice in Indian Buddhist Epistemology

Pecchia, C., Okt. 2020, in: Asiatische Studien: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft. 74

Diachronic Migration of Ancient Indian Medical Literature: Divisions and Paratextual Elements in the Carakasaṃhitā

Pecchia, C., 2020, Body and Cosmos: Studies in Early Indian Medical and Astral Sciences in Honor of Kenneth G. Zysk. Knudsen, T. L., Schmidt-Madsen, J. & Speyer, S. (Hrsg.). Leiden: Brill, S. 52-76 25 S. (Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, Band 20).

Christopher G. Framarin, Desire and Motivation in Indian Philosophy. [Routledge Hindu Studies Series 12] Routledge, London and New York 2009.

Pecchia, C., 2019, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 56-57, S. 232-234.

Eli Franco and Miyako Notake, Dharmakīrti on the Duality of the Object: Pramāṇavārttika III 1-63. [Leipziger Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte Süd- und Zentralasiens 5] LIT-Verlag, Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London 2014

Pecchia, C., 2018, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 138, 3, S. 662-665.

Johannes Schneider. Eine buddhistische Kritik der indischen Götter. Śaṃkarasvāmins Devātiśayastotra mit Prajñāvarmans Kommentar, nach dem tibetischen Tanjur herausgegeben und übersetzt. (Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 81) Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, Wien 2014

Pecchia, C., 2016, in: Journal of the American Oriental Society. 136, 2, S. 439-440

Dharmakīrti on the cessation of suffering: A critical edition with translation and comments of Manorathanandinʼs Vṛtti and Vibhūticandraʼs glosses on Pramāṇavārttika II.190-216

Pecchia, C., 2015, Leiden: Brill. 318 S. (Brill's Indological Library, Band 47).

A discussion of Alex Watson’s The self's awareness of itself. Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha's arguments against the Buddhist doctrine of no-self. With an addendum about the transmission of Dharmakīrti’s Pramāṇaviniścaya

Pecchia, C., 2014, in: Rivista degli Studi Orientali. 87, S. 107-119

Transmitting the Carakasaṃhitā. Notes for a history of the tradition

Pecchia, C., 2013, Medical Texts and Manuscripts in Indian Cultural History. Wujastyk, D., Cerulli, A. & Preisendanz, K. (Hrsg.). Delhi: Manohar Publishers, S. 1-27

Jean Papin, Caraka Samhita. Traité fondamental de la médecine ayurvédique. 2. Les thérapeutiques. Avant-propos de Guy et Sylvain Mazars. Introduction, traduction et notes de Jean Papin. Éditions Almora, Paris 2009

Pecchia, C., 2012, in: Indo-Iranian Journal. 55, S. 171-174

Book review: Johannes Bronkhorst (ed.), Mīmāṃsā and Vedānta: Interaction and Continuity. [Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference held in Helsinki, Finland, 13-18 July 2003. Vol. 10.3]. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2007

Pecchia, C., 2010, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 52-53, S. 315-317 3 S.

Contradictions on the Way to Liberation: Dharmakirtis Discussion

Pecchia, C., 2010, Papers from the Second Conference of Buddhist Studies held in Naples in June 2004. Italian School of East Asian Studies, Kyoto. Orofino, G. & Vita, S. (Hrsg.). Unknown publisher, S. 47-67 21 S. (The Italian School of East Asian Studies).

Johannes Bronkhorst (ed.): Mīmāṃsā and Vedānta: Interaction and Continuity. [Papers of the 12th World Sanskrit Conference held in Helsinki, Finland, 13-18 July 2003. Vol. 10.3]. Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi 2007

Pecchia, C., 2010, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 52-53, S. 121-159 39 S.

Transmission-specific (In)utility, or Dealing with Contamination: Samples from the Textual Tradition of the Carakasaṃhitā

Pecchia, C., 2010, in: Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens. 52-53, S. 121-156 36 S.

Walter Slaje (ed.), Śāstrārambha. Inquiries into the Preamble in Sanskrit. [Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 62] Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2008]

Pecchia, C., 2010, Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici, 4, S. 169-172 4 S.

Transmitting the Carakasaṃhitā. Notes for a History of the Tradition

Pecchia, C., 2009, in: Indian Journal of History of Science. 44, 2, S. 141-161 20 S.

14th World Sanskrit Conference: Section on the Scientific Literature - A Report

Pecchia, C., 2009, in: Indian Journal of History of Science. 44, 4, S. 616-619

Is the Buddha like "a Man in the Street"? Dharmakīrti's Answer

Pecchia, C., 2008, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, 51, S. 163-192 29 S.

Scegliere il Buddha come maestro

Pecchia, C., 2006, Maestri: Leadership spirituali: vie, modelli, metodi. Colafato, M. (Hrsg.). Milano: Franco Angeli, S. 213-220

La scuola logico-epistemologica buddhista

Pecchia, C., 2004, La rivelazione del Buddha. Il Grande veicolo.: A cura e con un saggio di Raniero Gnoli. Introduzione ai testi tradotti di Claudio Cicuzza e Francesco Sferra, con contribuiti di Mauro Maggi e Cristina Pecchia. Gnoli, R. (Hrsg.). Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori, Band 2. S. cxxxix-clii (I Meridiani: Classici dello spirito).

Mokṣākaragupta, Tarkabhāṣā: Manuale di logica (capitolo primo)

Pecchia, C., 2004, La rivelazione del Buddha. Il Grande veicolo.: A cura e con un saggio di Raniero Gnoli. Introduzione ai testi tradotti di Claudio Cicuzza e Francesco Sferra, con contribuiti di Mauro Maggi e Cristina Pecchia. Gnoli, R. (Hrsg.). Milano: Arnoldo Mondadori, Band 2. S. 1103-1153 (I Meridiani: Classici dello spirito).


Ayurveda Before Nationalism: The Printed Edition of the Carakasaṃhita

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

26 Juni 2024

Making Public in the Anonymity of the Printed Book Market: Ayurvedic Classics in Colonial South Asia

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

22 Mai 2024

The Doctor, the Patient, and Their Interaction: Reading the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

17 Mai 2024

And Yet He Spoke: The Buddha from Silence to Dialogue

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

18 Jan. 2024

The Buddha’s Authority: Omniscience as a Problem in Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

22 Nov. 2023

Lasciar andare

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 Okt. 20238 Okt. 2023

Is Extraordinary Knowledge Possible? Superhuman Knowledge: Feasibility and Problems

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

5 Juli 2023

A Doctor, a Scholar, and His Works

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

23 Juni 2023

Onniscienza come problema. Sull’onniscienza del Buddha in Dharmakīrti.

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

20 Apr. 2023

Ayurveda and Philology: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and His Legacy

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

17 Apr. 2023

Universita Ca' Foscari, Venezia

Cristina Pecchia (Gastdozent*in)

17 Apr. 202321 Apr. 2023

The synergy between physical and textual evidence: The history of the transmission of Sanskrit texts beyond historically determined boundaries

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

Nov. 2022

Dharmakīrti on omniscience: Readings from the Pramāṇavārttika and commentaries thereon

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 Juli 2022

Omniscience: To the limits of knowledge

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 Juli 2022

Omniscience as a Problem: Disputing Reliability in Religious Matters

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

20 Juni 202223 Juni 2022

With the Eye of a Scholar and the Insight of a Physician: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

27 Mai 2022

Kognitive Prozesse und Meditationspraxis

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

20 Mai 2022

Embodying the scholarly persona of the Ayurvedic tradition: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and the transmission of Ayurveda in colonial South Asia.

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

29 Apr. 2022

Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 März 2022

Equinox Publishing Ltd. (Verlag)

Cristina Pecchia (Gutachter*in)

2022 → …

Indian philologists in the colonial period: Continuing or recovering traditional knowledge systems

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

19 Nov. 202120 Nov. 2021

The transmission of the Carakasaṃhitā in colonial South Asia

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

27 Juli 2021

26th European Conference on South Asian Studies

Cristina Pecchia (Organisator*in)

27 Juli 2021

Meditationspraxis und buddhistische Erkenntnistheorie

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

15 Juli 2020

Paths to Liberation in Hindu and Sikh Traditions

Marion Rastelli (Organisator*in), Cristina Pecchia (Organisator*in) & Vincent Eltschinger (Organisator*in)

28 Nov. 201929 Nov. 2019

Manuscript, Print and Publication Cultures in South Asia

Alaka Chudal (Organisator*in), Johanna Buß (Organisator*in) & Cristina Pecchia (Organisator*in)

20 Sept. 201821 Sept. 2018

The Omniscient Buddha: Dharmakīrti’s Remarks

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

11 Juli 2018

For the Other, Without Thinking of the Other

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

10 Apr. 2018

Philologists and Publishers: On the First Printed Edition of the Carakasaṃhitā and its Context

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 März 2018

South Asian Philosophy and Language

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

18 Dez. 201720 Dez. 2017

South Asian Philosophy and Language

Cristina Pecchia (Diskussionsteilnehmer*in)

18 Dez. 201720 Dez. 2017

The Challenge of Postcolonial Philosophy in India

Cristina Pecchia (Panel Chair)

28 Sept. 201729 Sept. 2017

Medicine and yoga in South and Inner Asia

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

1 Aug. 20173 Aug. 2017

Cultures of Knowledge in Mutual Encounter

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

6 Juli 20177 Juli 2017

Kamalaśīla's 'Stages of Meditative Cultivation' (Bhāvanākrama)

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

26 Juni 201729 Juni 2017

The Future of Digital Texts in South Asian Studies

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

22 Mai 201724 Mai 2017

Dharmakīrti on the Cessation of Suffering, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2015

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

26 Jan. 2017

Seeing and Visualizing from the Point of View of the Indian Epistemological Tradition

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

25 Nov. 2016

Dal respiro alla mente

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

8 Sept. 201611 Sept. 2016

Philologists at Work. The Case of the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

5 Juli 2016

God or the Divine

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

26 Juni 201628 Juni 2016

Philologists at Work. The Case of the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

11 Juni 2016

Dharmakīrti and the Path to Liberation III

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

19 Mai 2016

Dharmakīrti and the Path to Liberation II

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

7 März 2016

Dharmakirti and the Path to Liberation I

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

17 Dez. 2015

Marga - Paths to Liberation in South Asian Buddhist Traditions

Cristina Pecchia (Organisator*in)

17 Dez. 201518 Dez. 2015


Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

21 Okt. 2015

Approaches to Textuality. Samples from the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

30 Juni 2015

Some Reflections on Methodological Questions in the Study of Dharmakīrti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

29 Juni 2015

16th World Sanskrit Conference

Cristina Pecchia (Organisator*in)

28 Juni 20152 Juli 2015

From Kashmir to Tibet A set of proto-Śāradā palm leaves and two works on the Ratnagotravibhāga

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

21 Apr. 2015

Tantric Communities in Context: Sacred Secrets and Public Rituals

Cristina Pecchia (Teilnehmer*in)

5 Feb. 20157 Feb. 2015

Pratiche di meditazione indiana

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

5 Sept. 20147 Sept. 2014

Dharmakīrti on the Role of Rituals

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

26 Aug. 201430 Aug. 2014

Meditation and Indian Philosophical Theories

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

18 Aug. 201422 Aug. 2014

Le siddhi

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 Sept. 20138 Sept. 2013

Commenting by quoting. The case of Manorathanandin’s Pramāṇavārttikavṛtti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 Dez. 2012

A dharma to be proved: Texts from the Indian Buddhist epistemological tradition

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

10 Dez. 2012

A dharma to be proved: Texts from the Indian Buddhist epistemological tradition

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 Dez. 2012

Copying and Editing in Pre-modern and Modern South Asia. Samples from the Carakasamhita

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

13 Okt. 2012

Yama and niyama

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

8 Sept. 2011

Causation and Seflessness in View of Liberation

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

20 Juni 2011

Modalities of the Diachronic Migration of Ancient Medical Literature : The Textual Witnesses of the Carakasamhita

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

13 Nov. 2010

Modalities of the diachronic migration of ancient medical literature: the textual witnesses of the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

11 Nov. 2010

A Note on saṃbhavānumāna in the Writings of Dharmakīrti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

2 Sept. 2009

A note on sambhavanumana in the writings of Dharmakirti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

1 Sept. 2009

Treating diseases by knowing health: patients and physicians in dialogue

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

1 Sept. 2009

Verità sulla liberazione: la tradizione logico-epistemologica buddhista. (Truth(s) about liberation: The Buddhist logical-epistemological tradition)

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

9 Apr. 2009


Ayurveda und Philologie: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj und sein Erbe

Pecchia, C., Li, C., Maas, P. A., Puthiyedath, R., Mukharji, P. B. & Munsi, S.


Philosophie und Medizin im frühklassischen Indien II

Preisendanz, K., Maas, P. A., MacDonald, A. & Pecchia, C.


Philosophie und Medizin im frühklassischen Indien III

Preisendanz, K., Angermeier, V., Jäger, H., Kintaert, T., Pecchia, C., Robl, D. & Wujastyk, D.


Ayurveda Before Nationalism: The Printed Edition of the Carakasaṃhita

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

26 Juni 2024

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Making Public in the Anonymity of the Printed Book Market: Ayurvedic Classics in Colonial South Asia

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

22 Mai 2024

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

The Doctor, the Patient, and Their Interaction: Reading the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

17 Mai 2024

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

And Yet He Spoke: The Buddha from Silence to Dialogue

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

18 Jan. 2024

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

The Buddha’s Authority: Omniscience as a Problem in Dharmakīrti’s Philosophy

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

22 Nov. 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Lasciar andare

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 Okt. 20238 Okt. 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Is Extraordinary Knowledge Possible? Superhuman Knowledge: Feasibility and Problems

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

5 Juli 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

A Doctor, a Scholar, and His Works

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

23 Juni 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Onniscienza come problema. Sull’onniscienza del Buddha in Dharmakīrti.

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

20 Apr. 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Ayurveda and Philology: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and His Legacy

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

17 Apr. 2023

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Dharmakīrti on omniscience: Readings from the Pramāṇavārttika and commentaries thereon

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 Juli 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Omniscience: To the limits of knowledge

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 Juli 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Omniscience as a Problem: Disputing Reliability in Religious Matters

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

20 Juni 202223 Juni 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

With the Eye of a Scholar and the Insight of a Physician: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

27 Mai 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj and the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 März 2022

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Indian philologists in the colonial period: Continuing or recovering traditional knowledge systems

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

19 Nov. 202120 Nov. 2021

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

The transmission of the Carakasaṃhitā in colonial South Asia

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

27 Juli 2021

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Meditationspraxis und buddhistische Erkenntnistheorie

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

15 Juli 2020

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

The Omniscient Buddha: Dharmakīrti’s Remarks

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

11 Juli 2018

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

For the Other, Without Thinking of the Other

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

10 Apr. 2018

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Philologists and Publishers: On the First Printed Edition of the Carakasaṃhitā and its Context

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 März 2018

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragScience to Science

Seeing and Visualizing from the Point of View of the Indian Epistemological Tradition

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

25 Nov. 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Dal respiro alla mente

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

8 Sept. 201611 Sept. 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Philologists at Work. The Case of the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

5 Juli 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Philologists at Work. The Case of the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

11 Juni 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Dharmakīrti and the Path to Liberation III

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

19 Mai 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Dharmakīrti and the Path to Liberation II

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

7 März 2016

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Dharmakirti and the Path to Liberation I

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

17 Dez. 2015

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Approaches to Textuality. Samples from the Carakasaṃhitā

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

30 Juni 2015

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Some Reflections on Methodological Questions in the Study of Dharmakīrti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

29 Juni 2015

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Pratiche di meditazione indiana

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

5 Sept. 20147 Sept. 2014

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Dharmakīrti on the Role of Rituals

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

26 Aug. 201430 Aug. 2014

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Meditation and Indian Philosophical Theories

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

18 Aug. 201422 Aug. 2014

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Le siddhi

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 Sept. 20138 Sept. 2013

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Commenting by quoting. The case of Manorathanandin’s Pramāṇavārttikavṛtti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

21 Dez. 2012

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

A dharma to be proved: Texts from the Indian Buddhist epistemological tradition

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

10 Dez. 2012

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

A dharma to be proved: Texts from the Indian Buddhist epistemological tradition

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

6 Dez. 2012

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Copying and Editing in Pre-modern and Modern South Asia. Samples from the Carakasamhita

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

13 Okt. 2012

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Yama and niyama

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

8 Sept. 2011

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Causation and Seflessness in View of Liberation

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

20 Juni 2011

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

A Note on saṃbhavānumāna in the Writings of Dharmakīrti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

2 Sept. 2009

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

A note on sambhavanumana in the writings of Dharmakirti

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

1 Sept. 2009

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Treating diseases by knowing health: patients and physicians in dialogue

Cristina Pecchia (Vortragende*r)

1 Sept. 2009

Aktivität: VorträgeVortragAndere

Ayurveda und Philologie: Gangadhar Ray Kaviraj und sein Erbe

Pecchia, C., Li, C., Maas, P. A., Puthiyedath, R., Mukharji, P. B. & Munsi, S.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Philosophie und Medizin im frühklassischen Indien III

Preisendanz, K., Angermeier, V., Jäger, H., Kintaert, T., Pecchia, C., Robl, D. & Wujastyk, D.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Philosophie und Medizin im frühklassischen Indien II

Preisendanz, K., Maas, P. A., MacDonald, A. & Pecchia, C.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde

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1090 Wien
Zimmer: 2A-O1-06

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