Uses of the internet in Hindi teaching

18.06.2009 14:00

Pramod Kumar Sharma | Visiting Professor, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

The world wide web is an immense ocean of knowledge. Just like treasure hunters or scuba divers students or teachers can use their internet connection to extract useful knowledge for teaching or learning. Many universities have their Hindi teaching program available on the internet, some sites are paid and some sites are free. Apart from these, Indian TV, newspaper, film, or radio sites can be used online or offline (e.g. with downloadable teaching materials or programs) in the classroom. Thus one can use film clips, stories, poems (sometime spoken by the writer himself/herself) etc. for language teaching. This helps in creating a lively target language environment which strengthens active communicative skills.

The paper will give a glimpse of this vast knowledge world and try to give an idea how it can be helpful in teaching Hindi.
