Monasticism and Religious Identities in Tibet: Yogic Cultures and Study Curricula in the Long 15th Century

05.07.2024 - 06.07.2024



Please register by e-mail to Jusal Drölma Chöekyi

Hosted by:

  • Jim Rheingans, Prof. for Tibetan Studies, University of Vienna
  • Marta Sernesi , Prof. for Tibetan Religions, EPHE, Paris

This workshop will explore the complex historical landscape of Tibet during the extended 15th century, focusing on the emergence and development of religious identities as a key historical factor during this period. In particular, it will aim at exploring textual compendia and religious narratives, the organisation of educational curricula, and how yogic cultures have systematized meditative practices and engaged in scholarly activities. By weaving together these threads of inquiry, the conference aims will offer fresh insights into the interplay between religious identities, monasticism, and contemplative traditions.



  • Filippo Brambilla
  • José Ignacio Cabezón
  • Jusal Drölma Chöekyi
  • James Gentry
  • Kalsang Gurung
  • Pascale Hugon
  • Michael Ium
  • Klaus-Dieter Mathes
  • Jim Rheingans
  • Ulrike Roesler
  • Marta Sernesi
  • Weirong Shen
  • Dorji Wangchuk



July 5:  

9:00 | Welcome Coffee

9:30 | Welcome Address

Session 1             Chair: Marta Sernesi

9:45-10:30 | José Ignacio Cabezón (UC Santa Barbara): “Beyond Learning”

10:30-11:15 | Jim Rheingans (University of Vienna): “Yogis and Scholars: bKa’ brgyud pa Abhidharma Commentaries and Their Relation to Sa skya pa Learning”

 11:15-11:45        Coffee break

 11:45-12:30 |Pascale Hugon (Austrian Academy of Sciences): “If you desire to study, go to gSang phu!”

12:30-14:00        Lunch break


 Session 2             Chair: Jim Rheingans

 14:00-14:45 | Klaus-Dieter Mathes (University of Hong Kong): “The Significance of the Meditation Tradition for the Formation of Religious Identities” 

14:45-15:30 | Filippo Brambilla (University of Vienna): “Shaping Religious Identities through Canonical Texts: The Jo nang Revision of the Laghukālacakratantra and the Vimalaprabhā”

 15:30-16:00 | Coffee break

16:00-16:45 | Dorji Wangchuk (University of Hamburg): “From lung rigs gnyis to lung rig/s man ngag gsum

 16:45-17:30 | Weirong Shen (Tsinghua University): “The Yogic Practice of Buddha Amitābha at the Moment of Death: A Fine Blend of Sūtric and Tantric Practice of Mahāyāna Buddhism

18:00 | Workshop Dinner

 July 6: 

Session 3          Chair: Dorji Wangchuk

9:30-10:15 | James Gentry (Stanford University): “Ratna Lingpa in the Formation of rNying ma Identity: Revelation, Redaction, and Pill Production in Fifteenth Century Tibet”

10:15-11:00 | Marta Sernesi (EPHE-PSL/LMU): “Visions of the Third ’Brug chen: Revelation, Reincarnation and Politics”

11:00-11:30 | Coffee Break

11:30-12:00 | Ulrike Roesler (University of Oxford): “Where have they all gone? The mysterious disappearance of the bKa’ gdams pa”

12:00-12:45 | Michael Ium (University of Toronto): “Multiple Channels to Faith? Tsong kha pa’s Biographies and Early gGe lugs Identity Formation”

12:45-14:30 | Lunch Break


Session 4             Chair: Ulrike Roesler

14:30-15:15 | Kalsang Gurung (University of Bonn): “sMan ri monastery: The religious study center of Bon pos since 15th Century in Tibet”

15:15-16:00 | Jusal Drölma Chöekyi (University of Vienna): “Sacred Correspondence: Insights into Monastic Life and Yogic Practices from Tibetan Lamas' Letters (11th-15th Century)”

Closing remarks

From 16:45 | Excursion