Informations on graduation

Bachelor Degree

Check your electronic "Prüfungspass" including alternative extension and extension curricula (marking on u:space: "relevant for graduation"), whether all grades are assigned to the correct modules and whether there are surplus ECTS in modules. You can use our form "Prüfungspass" linked here for your own overview.

In case of any ambiguities or changes, contact the Student Services Office by e-mail.

To apply for the graduation documents, send your current collective certificate and the confirmation of completion of the statistical survey of Statistics Austria by e-mail with the subject "Ansuchen BA-Abschluss [Name] [Matrikelnummer]" to

ATTENTION: The application may only be submitted via your u:account []. Submissions from private mail addresses will not be processed. By submitting a request by mail, you guarantee that your composite transcript will not be altered as you sent it and that you want all benefits to be used as you submitted them.


Master Degree

Check your electronic "Prüfungspass" to make sure that all grades are assigned to the correct modules and that there are no surplus ECTS in modules. You can use the form "Prüfungspass" linked here for your own overview. In case of any uncertainties or changes, please contact the Student Services Office by e-mail.

Your Prüfungspass (aka Sammelzeugnis) has to be confirmed by the StudienServiceStelle before the grade of the master thesis can be entered. For this purpose, send your current and checked Sammelzeugnis by e-mail with subject "Ansuchen MA-Abschluss [Name] [Matrikelnummer]" to

ATTENTION: The application may only be submitted via your u:account []. Submissions from private mail addresses will not be processed. Only after confirmation by the SSS and after entry of the master thesis grade you can submit the registration for the final exam/defensio directly via SSC. Please note that there must be two weeks between registration and examination date for administrative reasons.