Bachelor programme "Languages and Cultures of South Asia and Tibet"
Facts & Figures
Programme Code: 033 629
6 semesters / 180 ECTS Credits (including 30 ECTS Credits extension curricula)
Language: German
NO entrance examination
Study programme overview (PDF)
The bachelor’s programme in Languages and Cultures of South Asia and Tibet aims at developing students’ basic competences in two or more selected languages of South Asia and Tibet from the past and present (classical Sanskrit and Tibetan, Hindi, Nepali, Modern Tibetan and additional relevant languages from the cultural area, depending on the current range of courses offered). It also familiarises students with the associated philological methods. Moreover, it provides an overview of: history of the language and linguistic anthropology, literature, philosophy and religion, culture and society, history and art of South Asia and Tibet, as well as subject-specific specialised knowledge in these areas.