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11.10.2013 15:15

Umstrukturierung der Erzählung und der Ideen im Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra

Hiromi Habata | Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture
08.10.2013 19:15

Ashish Sankrityayan

Veranstaltung | Event
04.10.2013 16:15

Ein religionshermeneutischer Versuch über Vāmanadatta

Gerhard Oberhammer

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture
Konferenz ǀ Conference
21.06.2013 15:15

Benares Beginnings: Print modernity, book entrepreneurs, and cross-cultural ventures in a colonial metropolis

Ulrike Stark | University of Chicago, Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture
14.06.2013 15:15

Does God Have Free Will? Hermeneutics and Theology in the Work of Vedāntadeśika

Larry McCrea | Associate Professor of Sanskrit Studies, Cornell University

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture