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12.09.2018 00:00

New publication

05.07.2018 18:00

Indisches Tanzdrama | Radha Anjali & Natya Mandir Dance Company

Veranstaltung | Event

Der wissenschaftliche Nachlass von René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz

Neues CIRDIS FWF-Projekt von Martin Gaenszle

29.06.2018 15:15

Elisabeth Schömbucher-Kusterer | Lehrstuhl für Indologie, Universität Würzburg

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture
22.06.2018 15:15

Inventing the Hill Stations. Colonialism and the Politics of Representing Landscapes

Queeny Pradhan | Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi & Visiting Professor and ICCR Chair "Indian Studies in the Humanities and Social...

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture
19.06.2018 17:00

Secular Buddhism: Reimagining the Dharma in the Contemporary World

Stephen Batchelor

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture