Information Technologies and Innovation in Sanskrit-Based Indian Studies

25.03.2011 - 26.03.2011

Workshop im Rahmen des "Festival of India"

Dominik WUJASTYK: Text, structure and embedded meaning

Oliver HELLWIG: Improving the automatic tokenization and lexical analysis of Sanskrit texts

Anand MISHRA: Integrating traditional analyses in computational processing of Sanskrit texts

Jan WESTERHOFF: Śāstravid: A new tool for the study of Indian philosophy

Birgit KELLNER: The Indian Logic Knowledge Base: Towards the development of terminological resources in Sanskrit knowledge systems

Olga Serbaeva SARAOGI: The place and role of the Śaiva Tantric texts in early mediaeval Indian literature with a particular accent on the Purāṇas: A reassessment based on the computer-assisted statistical analysis of textual parallels and indexes

Sven SELLMER: IT-based methods in metrical studies of the Mahābhārata 

Himal TRIKHA: A Study of the Manuscripts of the Woolner Collection

Philipp A. MAAS: On solving the problem of textual contamination by means of computer-aided stemmatics

Embassy of India | ISTB
Seminarraum 1 TB