Holi - India Intoxicated with Colours

15.05.2006 - 16.06.2006

An exhibition of photographs by Andreas Nader, Michaela Riess & Andreas Zingerle

In spring 2005, the three students at the Institut für Mediengestaltung, Universität für künstlerische und industrielle Gestaltung, Linz, visited Mathura and Vrindavan (200 km south of Delhi) and captured scenes of the colourful Holi festival.

Holi, the „festival of colours“, is one of India’s merriest festivals. Marking the beginning of spring, it resembles the European carnival. Everybody is enthusiastically pelted with coloured powder, traditional Holi songs are sung, people are dancing in the streets, and children spray coloured water on whoever is passing by. The ceremonies work up to a climax in the temples where the excited crowd seems to drown in colours.

Institut für Südasien-, Tibet- und Buddhismuskunde
ISTB, Unicampus Eingang 2.1, 1. Stock