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EVENTS (archive)


Mantras: Sound, Materiality, and the Body


India and way beyond

Workshop der Doktorats- und Masterstudierenden der Wiener Südasienkunde und angrenzender Fachbereiche

29.04.2022 15:15

Amy L. Allocco | Elon UNiversity, USA

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture
08.04.2022 15:15

Candragomins Jambhalastotra und Deśanāstava

Zhen Liu | National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan-Universität Shanghai, Direktor des Center for Gandhian and Indian Studies an der...

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture
05.04.2022 15:00

A Showcase of Vienna-based Research Projects

01.04.2022 15:15

On Nomadology: Buddhist Traces Reconsidered

Avishek Ray | Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Silchar, IFK_Research Fellow

Gastvortrag ǀ Guest lecture