All activities

Konchok Tamphel, M.A.
Summer term 2025
142256 UE Foundational Philosophical Views in Tibetan Buddhism - The Dgongs gcig (Single Intention) of 'Jig rten gsum mgon (1143-1217)
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Tamphel, K. (2022). Jigten Sumgön's View of Buddha Nature and How Confusion Distinguishes a Sentient Being from a Buddha. In K.-D. Mathes, & C. Kemp (Eds.), Buddha Nature across Asia (pp. 219-228). Article 8 Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studie.

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A dGe lugs Critique of the Jo nang Sixfold Yoga Theory

Konchok Tamphel (Speaker)

18 Aug 2022

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

The Difference Between a Sentient Being and a Buddha: ’Jig rten gsum mgon’s Instruction on the Process of Confusion.

Konchok Tamphel (Speaker)

17 Jul 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

"Emptiness of Other" in the Early Jonang Tradition.

Mathes, K., Brambilla, F. & Tamphel, K.


Project: Research funding

Neue Erwägungen zur Buddhanatur

Mathes, K., Draszczyk, M., Higgins, D. & Tamphel, K.


Project: Research funding

Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies

Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2 (Campus)
1090 Wien