India - The Stirring Elephant

21.10.2011 15:00 - 17:00

T.P. Sreenivasan | Former Ambassador of India / Director General, Kerala International Centre, and Executive Director of 'IAEA 2020'

Lecture with Panel Discussion

In this lecture, the distinguished speaker will treat major issues in the political and economical development of India from the early days of independence up to new, still evolving trends. The history of India's relations with neighboring and other nations will receive special attention from the point of view of an experienced multi-lateral diplomat.

Panel Participants:
Dr. Sepp Dabringer
Trade Commissioner (Ret'd) and consultant
Prof. Dr. Mangesh Kulkarni
University of Pune, Department of Politics and Public Administration /
ICCR Professor in Indian Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences,
University of Vienna
Prof. Dr. Herwig Palme
Vienna University of Economics and Bussiness Administration

Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies
Seminarraum 1, Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies